Logan Crooks, B.S. (he/him)
Graduate Student
Curriculum Vitae
2021 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Physics, University of Wisconsin, USA
2021 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science, University of Wisconsin, USA
2021 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Astronomy, University of Wisconsin, USA
2021 Mathematics-UCERT, University of Wisconsin, USA
Logan's research focuses on the development of novel quantum interconnects which can be used to interface a variety of different quantum information processing platforms in a hybrid quantum technology landscape. On the one hand, our proposed novel approach is based on rare earth-doped crystals and will enable connectivity of and entanglement distribution between optical quantum systems in the telecom band. On the other hand, our scheme allows for interfacing of microwave-based quantum technologies via optical links and optically-assisted entanglement distribution between such systems. The combination of all of these capabilities enables quantum interconnects with unprecedented versatility which can interface a wide variety of proposed quantum information processing platforms. Furthermore, while current development utilized commercially available rare earth-doped crystals, we are working closely with the Diamond & Quantum Materials (DQM) Group to develop novel stoichiometric rare earth materials to greatly improve device performances in the future.